SIPLUS Extreme For Treating Wastewater

Before wastewater is purified to the necessary degree, it must go through a number of intricate processes. Selecting Siemens for the automation of your wastewater plant means working with a partner who knows your operations and can provide solutions for any problems you may run into.

SIPLUS Extreme Components In A Typical Sewage Plant

Discover the areas of application of SIPLUS extreme components as part of a sustainable and robust automation solution.

  1. Aeration and secondary tank:Wastewater undergoes a biological purification stage wherein undissolved materials are eliminated. The materials in the aeration tanks are broken down and transformed into substances that can be settled by bacteria. In specifically, the automation components control the water flow speed.ObstaclesAlthough biological purification does not produce any corrosive gases by itself, wind-driven gases from previous process stages that pass through the facility can cause corrosion and failure in the automation components.
  2. Air blowers and centrifuges:The blow dryer is just one of several common techniques for drying sludge. Processes that involve air drying are employed to extract any remaining water from the resulting sludge. The sludge can also be applied as fertiliser and as a heating media.ObstaclesDust from sludge drying can land on surfaces and lead to corrosion. Unprotected automation and visualisation components frequently experience failures and faults as a result of these corrosive dusts attacking the components.
  3. Delivery:The sewage network carries wastewater from homes, businesses, and the food industry—including facilities that produce meat—to the treatment facility. Any variations in level are counteracted by pumping stations. Vehicles are used to transport faeces from decentralised minor treatment plants or sewage cleansing.ObstaclesChemicals, biological materials, coarse pollutants, and solid particles can all be found in wastewater. These start to decompose and ferment even prior to delivery. The result is dangerous, highly corrosive fumes that will attack the automation and visual aid components.
  4. Belt Screen / Sand- and grease trap:The sand and grease trap removes solid components like sand and other minaral substances, and also oils and fats from the wastewater. Absolute reliability is essential: If component availability is not guaranteed, the wastewater wil back up, and within a few hours the overflow basins will have exceeded their maximum capacity.ChallangesContaminant concentrations are still very high, since the wastewater is largely untreaded at this stage. Strong corrosion damages unprotected flat assemblies an metallic components, and compromises functionality for the long term.
  5. Preliminary sedimentation tank:Wastewater flow speed is greatly reduced in the preliminary sedimentation tank. Undissolved substances settle or rise to the surface. About 30 percent of organic materials can be removed in this way.ChallengesThe slow water flow speed favours a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide. This can cause lasting damage to the automation components used.

Intelligent applications that improve productivity and supply security

For the water industry, the Siemens Industry Suite’s applications and digital services offer increased transparency, which makes it easier to spot opportunities for savings and optimization that could lead to stronger supply security. Operators may minimize water loss, minimize energy consumption, lessen pollution of water bodies, and perform predictive maintenance using the Siemens Water (SIWA) applications, which are tailored for the water and wastewater sectors.

1. Cut obstructions in half

SIWA Pump Protector

SIWA Pump Guardian is a loT solution that offers total transparency into the analytics and performance of the pump and pumping station, as well as automatically avoids obstructions in sewage pumps.

2. Two weeks’ notice in advance

SIWA Predictor of Blockage

SIWA Blockage Predictor is an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that use fuzzy logic to alert operators before sewers are partially or totally blocked. It does this by assessing the adaptive performance of combined sewer overflow in real-time while taking rainfall patterns and variances into account.

3. Cut wastewater output by as much as 85%

SIWA Waterworks

Utilising optimisation algorithms, SIWA sewage is a potent and inventive sewage network management tool that determines when control actions are necessary for drainage systems. By doing this, SIWA sewage guarantees that the sewage network’s buffers are used effectively in the event of rainfall, preventing and minimising untreated water spillovers.

4. The use of artificial intelligence in leak detection

SIWA LeakPlus for networks that distribute water

A cloud-based tool called SIWA LeakPlus is used to find leaks in drinking water networks that are meshing. It is an inventive system that integrates cloud computing, artificial intelligence, hydraulic simulations, and real-time sensor monitoring to locate and identify leaks early on.

5. real-time leak detection

SIWA Water Transmission Line Leak

By generating real-time data on water transportation pipelines, SIWA Leak offers transparency and totally automates the identification, localization, and alarming of larger or creeping leaks.

6. Finding and identifying water pipeline bursts

SIWA Explosion

With an accuracy of 20 to 50 meters, SIWA Burst uses cognitive algorithms via a simple interface to analyze high-frequency recorded pressure fluctuations in pipelines in real-time and identify the source of pipe damage.

7. Pump operation with cost optimisation in water supply networks

SIWA Optim

SIWA Optim offers cost-effective control over pumping schedules for a whole network while taking fluctuating electricity prices and water sources into account. It also offers flexible operation management.

8. Reduce the amount of energy that your drinking water distribution systems use.

SIWA Dynamic

By taking into account the mechanical and hydraulic characteristics of individual pumps or pump groups, SIWA OptimDynamics allows for the fully automated, economical, and energy-efficient operation of pumping stations.

Wastewater Sources

Conditions for automation and visualization components in a wastewater treatment plant are particularly challenging since the plant is host to wastewater from numerous sources containing pollutants in varying amounts.

Waste Water From Municipalities

Cleaning chemicals, detergents, disinfectants, and pre-fermented faeces are among the materials found in municipal wastewater.

Wastewater From Industry

All wastewater produced during industrial manufacturing and processing is referred to as industrial wastewater. From day to day, its composition can change. In this instance, chemical pollution is especially severe.

Waste Water From The Food Sector

The food business, particularly the meat processing sector, generates wastewater that contains ammonium, blood, faeces, solid waste, biological residues, and disinfectants.


There is a high concentration of pollutants throughout the plant, such as hydrogen sulfide, which has a highly corrosive effect. The precise composition of the incoming wastewater is generally unknown and can vary from day to day.

Corrosive Gas

Wastewater undergoes fermentation and putrefaction, which produces toxic gases like hydrogen sulphide. Wind spreads these gases throughout the confined construction of many wastewater treatment plants, which can cause corrosion damage. The end result is significant material loss and, in the worst situation, plant outages and retention basin overflowing.

Temperature Extremes

The control cabinets in wastewater plants are generally decentralized and distributed throughout the entire plant. This means that automation components are exposed to major temperature extremes, including frost and direct sunlight.

Corrosive Dust

Sand and dust mixtures from the drying process can settle on the components.

Corrosion and wear caused by dust can lead to component failure.


Condensation on the components may arise from variations in temperature during the day and night. Failures may arise from droplet production and 100% relative humidity.